Friday, May 03, 2024

We aim to make dreams of parenthood
a reality for couples.



Q: Is gender pre-selection for me?
A: The decision must be made with serious consideration. Gender pre-selection meets a very personal need for many couples. It has been used to establish a gender balance within a family or to lessen the risk of gender-related hereditary diseases (i.e. Duschenne's Disease).

Q: Will I have a healthy baby?
A: Artificial insemination with isolated sperm shows no greater occurrence of birth defects than normal insemination through intercourse.

Q: Are miscarriages more common?
A: The likelihood is no greater or less than that of a naturally conceived pregnancy, which is presently estimated at one out of four pregnancies.

Q: Who will be told about my conceiving in this manner?
A: This process is totally confidential. Our physicians will release no information about you unless so authorized.

Q: Am I guaranteed the child of desired sex by sex selection procedure?
A: The outcome of pregnancies so conceived can never be guaranteed, because sperm isolation does not completely separate X from Y chromosome sperm. The statistics for each procedure will be discussed with you before processing.

Q: How can I get more information about the sex selection procedure?
A: You can make an appointment with one of our gynecologists. Further reading material and information will be made available at that time.